Monday, April 23, 2007

Connection between load bearing concrete wall and steel beam

This image also shows the box gutter above the rafter

Entrance to concrete pre-cast structure

Concrete panel connection above roller door entrance

This image shows the strong steel connections between 2 concrete panel members supporting a panel over large entrance to the structure

Steel framed office within Steel and Concrete composite costruction

Steel Universial Beam

This shows fly bracing connected to the UB at also shows purlins with sarking which is still work in progress in the photo shown

Concrete Pre-cast building with steel frame

This photo shows the steel frame with support colums at around every 15m to help span the whole building

Corner detail in Concrete pre-cast , Steel framed building

This photo shows the connections between the pre-cast concrete panels, the box gutter, bracing, sarking and Z section purlins

Rigid connetion in SHS column

Monday, April 2, 2007

Portal Frame Section 2

This is a section of a portal frame building looking from the other direction